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December 18, 2022

Brief Book Review: "The Declining Desire"***

Dialogue with authors Luigi Zoja and Matteo Lancini. [*** From the site free translation by this blogger]

A trend is underway in the West that could extend to the entire globalized world: sexual activity is constantly decreasing, especially among the youngest, while the average age of first intercourse has increased. Not even the advent of dating apps has corrected this course, even proving to be counterproductive. And yet, a real debate has not yet been built around such a crucial, unprecedented and full of implications issue. What is the origin of this renunciation? And how is it possible that a phenomenon of this magnitude takes place in a society which, thanks to the sexual revolution, seemed to have freed itself from taboos and constraints? The psychoanalyst Luigi Zoja tries to answer these questions, starting from the numbers and going in search of the profound motivations of a general "escape from the intimacy of bodies", in an attempt to finally bring sexuality back to the center of the discourse.

"Today one encounters an infinite number of 'prefigurations' of sexual desire. They no longer come from within the personality, like what we call eros, but they come to us already packaged by the market, or by the pressure of certain groups. It is a matter of total freedom only in words, which in practice is often experienced as a prisoner within the body and its functions."

               x x x

"The most miserable slave is the one who thinks to be free."  W. Goethe

On this same theme, I have posted here on blog "Sexual Nihilism: Release, Relief and Emptiness"

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