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December 17, 2022

Comment on the Bio-Psycho-Social Model

Dear colleague researcher,
Thank you so much for asking my opinion regarding your article on the Bio-Psycho-Social model, by the way, a very well written text.  First of all, I must confess that for me the so-said methodological approach, when referred to the mental health sciences and practice, is either no more than plain truism or a meaningless division of an indivisible object, which in its essence doesn't allow any such a kind of partition. In other words, whenever split in mind, body, and social aspect, the human being irremediably is lost as an object of study.

As a reminder of the crucial importance of a good doctor-patient relationship, wholistically oriented, I regard the Bio-Psycho-Social Approach as a mere truism, that is, from a ethical clinical perspective how could it be otherwise? Would it be ethically acceptable for a doctor, psychologist or other health professional to remain oblivious of any patient's social and psychological aspects, focusing only her or his concrete biological body?

As for a model for the scientific study of diseases and of diseased people, it necessarily faces a serious hindering: men and women are by no means a fusion of three separate layers. What gives rise to this apparent partition, whenever science takes the human being as an object of study, is not any ontological grounded reality but rather a mere observational artifact.
No researcher will ever find a living human body which is not, and at exactly that same instant, a psychological self living within a social context. This means that all events whose empirical data we may gather only through one of the B-P-S lenses, as if they corresponded actually to three existing layers, are entangled, being quite impossible to separate them. Every time we think any phenomenon is a biological, a social or a psychological pure event, we have been deceived by a mirage!
I hope my ideas may feed your thoughts about such abstract concept so present in our everyday clinical practice,
I'll be waiting your comments.
Best wishes

This brief comment, published at  was about the following article:

Alvarez, Ana & Pagani, Marco & Meucci, Paolo. (2011). The Clinical Application of the Biopsychosocial Model in Mental Health A Research Critique. American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation / Association of Academic Physiatrists. 91. S173-80. 10.1097/PHM.0b013e31823d54be. 

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