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June 21, 2022

#Sexual #Nihilism: Repression, Liberation, #Emptiness

On a very hot September afternoon (over 30 degrees, despite late winter here), with a very low air humidity (less than 15%) and an awful pollution all over Sampa, I happened to meet a great friend of mine, from our Medical School years. Always a very thoughtful guy, without any ties to ideologies, Paco uttered what I transcribe below about the present and future moments of the human species:
 "At a nearing day, finally freed from any and every repressive barrier,  human sexuality will become just a third human excretory function. I enumerate them:
1) Kidneys: urinary excretion;
2) Digestive tract: fecal matter;
3) Gonads, uterus, prostate: sexual secretions.

Finally freed from any repressive barriers, in this way emptied of all meaning, of all emotion, without the 'uncomfortable and dangerous' possibility of pregnancy, 'making sex' will be no more than a very common, banal kind of relief, equal in value to mere flatus, farts. Despite being by no means enough to cause any nuisance, absolutely! It will be a relief like the release of some kind of silent gases, with no smell.
Another way to think about this may be attempting to answer a single question: may Eros still exist without Thanatos?
"Before leaving, he suggested me to read a novel, whose title is 'The Last Owl', available at as e-book, to perhaps find alternatives to such a bitter prophecy.

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