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February 18, 2024

Psychoanalysis or Taming?

Two of the worst uses of Freudian psychoanalysis, and its derivatives:

1) Corrective pseudo-self.

Let's start by citing an example: Individual "A" is only interested in red-haired women. His mother had red hair, having died when he was 8 years old. Upon learning this, his analyst interprets his preference as typically Oedipal in nature: desiring only red hair, "A" would always have been searching for lost maternal love since childhood.
Well aware of the basic elements of Freudian thought, "A" accepts the "truth" of his interpretation of desire preferences. From then on he deliberately avoids women who have red hair. He exercises censorship on himself based on what he believes to be his "Oedipal desire".
If he continues to use the interpretations provided by the analyst in this way, he begins to behave on the basis of a pseudo-self, a censorious mask, which results from submission to the alleged truths revealed by the analyst. Mask manufactured by a poor understanding of psychoanalytic theory.
He modifies his behavior, not by experiencing the facts linked to the aforementioned interpretation in a different way, but by attributing a priori truth to what the analyst tells him.

2)Reality as an Absolute Entity

Another common and serious error is the conception of reality as an absolute entity accessible as such to human knowledge, and, therefore, also to the mind of the analyst, who, as a rule, assumes the vision of contemporary empirical sciences as our access to " reality".
Therefore, other worldviews, alternatives to rationalist empiricism, are quickly dismissed as products of "magical thinking", fixed at a certain stage of the child's development.
The desire-frustration-attribution dialectic of reality is impoverished, since it must affirm an already determined vision of what the external world is, as well as the subject's place in the power-sharing social order, imposed before birth.

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