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February 13, 2023

'I Wanna Be There Too', the Cry of an Excluded Guy!

This is 'Tramp', who at an early summer morning, late January, got aware that in our yard live 3 happy dogs among trees, birds and lots of love. Having no doubts, he decided to come in and join the select 'Jackfruit House Resort'. After much barking, whimpering and howling he tried in vain to open or even break down our gate.
Lastly, in a final desperate gesture Tramp was trying to dig a hole under the red wooden gate, when Lauruccia, my daughter, from within our yard took the above picture, then running after me, who was still deep sleeping.
Unfortunately, by then, an exhausted Tramp had already given in to the harsh reality, which, as dictates that old law ruling living beings on Earth, excludes, liquidates all our illusions❣️

PS: According to Laura Alice, that excluded hero saw in our labrador, Maiella, his Lady [from Disney's 'Lady and Tramp']

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