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June 2, 2021

This Blogger's Profile on

Living in São Paulo, Brazil since birth, Marcos Wagner has been watching appalled the destruction of the still exuberant flora and fauna of his huge country, as well as the annihilation of its natural resources and landscapes. A Philosopher Psychiatrist, Wagner da Cunha's PhD thesis was on the philosophical foundations of Psychopathology and Psychiatry, having focused mainly on the Reality Concept in Nietzsche's and Freud's works.
As for fiction, his preferred writers are Fernando Pessoa, Italo Calvino, Machado de Assis, Guimarães Rosa, Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortázar,  Dante Alighieri, Stendhal, Luiz de Camões, Miguel de Cervantes. His best movie makers list must include Akira Kurosawa, Federico Fellini, Woody Allen, Jos Stelling, Lars von Trier, Wim Wenders, Paolo Sorrentino, Pasolini, Werner Herzog, Giuseppe Tornatore. 
On TV, Marcos's deepest passion has been the Seinfeld series, about which he once said : "When Jerry and Larry King arrive before the Almighty, He will scold them this way: 'I'll never forgive you both for stopping to produce that sitcom so abruptly, and with such an ugly, ridiculous, disgusting episode!'".
Proud and passionate father of 4 children: Laura, Henrique, Isabel, and Francisco; Marcos is also the grandfather of Marina and Aurora.

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