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November 28, 2018


When faced with an appropriate, sometimes even very accurate interpretation of unconscious drives, the Ego ('das Ich' in Freud's German original works, better translated as the 'I') reacts in a strong rejection to what has been told, disqualifying it as an obvious nonsense, thus often denying any plausibility to that conjecture.
What lies behind this kind of rejection may be taken as an important cue on the very nature of such a layer of our mental structure, i.e., the Ego/I, this part of the human self, which represents our social identity. 
We may understand the Ego as resulting from a vectorial sum of all prohibitions incorporated by individuals throughout his or her life, ie, from the set of 'do not', 'no', inprinted in her or his memories, and deeply rooted in the human mental structure. 
Thus, when someone points out to unconscious repressed meanings behind a behavior, so often such an interpretation is regarded by the 'Ego/I' as a violent act, as a consequence of its dissolving powers upon personality traits definers of one individual's true identity.

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