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April 27, 2018


Sudden and simultaneously all, absolutely all, the inhabitants of New York City turned into buffaloes. The same wild buffaloes whose huge herds crowded, the American prairies some centuries ago.
Twenty million wild buffaloes at least.
Exactly at rush time when men and women formed the biggest crowds, inside malls, shops and banks, or even within countless brothels and temples, or driving on large avenues, and also aboard ships. Everyone had become a buffalo, and as such was anxiously trying to free their large bodies from remains of suits, shirts, skirts now mere rags.
Things went all right for those individuals who had been just walking on the streets, because once newcomer bovines they simply had to keep on marching westward in a lengthy migration, surely nostalgic of the good old prairies. Buffaloes don't like the sea, so opposite to my own taste since if I only could I'd throw away this freaky torch and swim to the southeast, in search of the hotter waters of the Equatorial Atlantic.
The descent from the great buildings has not been that easy, for l think buffaloes don't know how to manage elevators, nor are they able to go downstairs, by any means, without great difficulties. Thousands of them arrived at street level, seriously excoriated and with several kinds of fractures. Worst of all, many threw themselves against glass windows, which caused their bodies to burst on streets, yielding huge blood pools.
When the survivors saw such bloody corpses, they started to run in the hundreds of thousands. This sped the emptying of the entire Big Apple.
Within brothels, however, some delay took place. It seems that the sudden change did not interfere with love making. On the contrary, couples possibly felt even stronger desires because, all of a sudden, money lost any kind of meaning... Sexual intercourses became once and for all very hot bovine lust, like that of bulls and cows.
In the first moments following the Great Mutation, while many of them were still grazing in Central Park, I saw dozens of planes from the U.S. Air Force on the horizon line. All of them fell and plunged deep into middle of New York Bay. 

Despite seeming now so improbable somebody will ever have from a reliable, neutral source, any information on what did actually happen within those crashed planes, I keep wondering whether pilots, or anyone else therein, were able to avoid becoming buffaloes. I'm right now seeing a decomposing bovine corpse, amid rags of a USAF uniform, to float half a mile from my feet. 
Anyway, I must confess it's been rather difficult for me to understand what's happening all around me. For a while I thought I would also be changed into a bronze buffalo, thereafter becoming a symbol to these before enslaved animals' apocalyptic liberation from mankind. Nevertheless, that did not take place, and I don't believe anymore it can still happen.

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