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October 8, 2014


Since high school, or perhaps even earlier, my interest in  Philosophy revealed itself as a main feature of my innermost self. For no other reason I was led then to apply myself for admission in diverse graduation areas at University of São Paulo. Finally I opted for USP Medical School, because as an avid reader of all scientific novelty, I came to realize that, without proper training in the Neurosciences, a nowadays Philosopher would not have a good answer to some fundamental contemporary subjects. Among the latter I had in mind: free will, (in)determinism, human guilt. You readers may be thinking, "this teen must have been a weird nerd". Perhaps that was true, and as such I thought philosophically even when fallen in love. Finished my medical residency in Psychiatry, I began an undergraduate in Philosophy at USP, where I had contact with still other great professors of our University of Sao Paulo. I am immensely grateful to all of them for their support even whence my personal choices radically refused more pragmatic and easier options. Also grateful to all men and women who shared and still share their lives with me, be it privately as does my nuclear family of origin, be in the love and nurture of my children: Francisco, Isabel, Henrique, Laura Alice, besides my beloved granddaughters, Marina and Aurora. And perhaps the most important of my thanks must be to those individuals with whom I shared many hard moments, acting as their doctor, since psychiatric patients always prompted me to question the fundamentals of the so-called "reality", this overhuman "consensus", to which our whole Homo sapiens species allegedly should be submitted [or rather convicted, imprisoned, bound, enslaved?] You reader may choose which is the best verbal form here, or suggest still others.

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