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September 15, 2020


'Laocoön and His sons', sculpture on display at the Vatican Museum.Photo by Frank Eiffert on Unsplash

Finally, philosophers and scientists have found the main reason leading gods to so violently strike their beloved Italian people in the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, so called pan-pan (pangolin pandemic).
Here it is: taking into account that the global consumerist society since long time has been threatening other living species, having already provoked the disappearance of many ones, Zeus decided to forever expel Homo sapiens from Earth, for the sake of saving all other beings, shortly, for saving earthly life itself!
Whether left to their own fate alone, Homo sapiens would have to extinguish so many other species before becoming unable to survive themselves on a planet then turned into huge desert. The exterminating attack on such a killer beings was to begin with a very efficient letal virus, designed at first to hit the most populous nations. Pangolin, a continuously hunted despite seriously endangered species, which uses to be sold in Wuhan, China, was chosen by Olympus's zoology experts to be the main vector of a deadly coronavirus. From China to other Asian nations, the plague would quickly progress thereafter to the whole Earth. Gods were sure it was best to begin in the Eastern continent simply because of its population amounts to 4 billion, or roughly 2/3 of all mankind.
After hearing that strategic sketch aimed at human extinction from other Olympian dwellers, Venus despite not saying a single word, could not hide her disapproval through a grinning of boredom and scorn.
As the only god capable of reading Aphrodite's thoughts, Zeus immediately caught the goddess had taken the plan for just another grotesque reiteration of Olympus's gods stupidity, himself included! Furious, outloudly he asked her what, in her opinion, could be a better way to spread that terrible disease quick and efficiently enough to abbreviate the painful, horrendous carnage, then already started, which surely would soon be the worst since dinosaurs's ending, 70 million years ago. No god would like to watch its unfolding but for the shortest possible period.
Dramatically weeping, Venus seemed to struggle against some human, too human feelings of her own like passionate love or even anticipated nostalgia and regretful thoughts. Despite such stormy emotions, her firm decision about the unavoidable apocalyptic massacre was by no means condescending to human beings. Notwithstanding this, the goddess hesitated a lot before, under the cruel pressure of all the Olympian gods, uttering:

"Whether Zeus's intention, as well as that of other gods, including myself, is to as quick as possible stop Homo sapiens's killing action forever, which sorrily implies having no mercy at all until their extinction, not exactly a quantitative option must drive the divine actions, as it seems to be the naive background of your plan, Great and Mighty Zeus. First of all we have to focus not on how many dead people will result from a first hit, but rather beauty and cheerfulness! Without the two latter, human beings will lose any meaningful reason to live, to grow, and to breed.
"The nation to which belong the most beautiful and sensual people on Earth must instead be immediately hit. The deadly corona virus ought to act mostly upon that strong, gorgeous people, whose men and women have always been known as best lovers, among which carnal relations seem works of art proper only to us, immortal gods.
"Thence, for all this I urge you to hit Italy all of a sudden with that deadliest coronavirus". 


The author of this passionate love confession for Italy has published 'The Last Owl'Click here for a sample of this philosophical novel about mankind's present crisis.

Disponibile anche in italiano come L'Ultima Civetta'. Clicca qua!

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