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March 13, 2020


Gathered in a universal assembly this Friday, March 13, 2020 EC, angelic workers from the 3 instances chose to immediately halt all screening and welcoming activities for new individuals in the Afterlife.
Saying they are overloaded, they demand a greater number of masks per day, more abundant alcohol gel, better quality geriatric diapers. About these, they claim that the made-in-China are very fragile, they tear themselves for nothing, which makes them smelly, causing severe, justified complaints in the post-humans, who sometimes even burst out laughing! In a tone of indignation, the communiqué informs that there is not even a single one among them prepared to face the circumstance of a newly dead dying there for a second time due to too much laughter. No one has ever heard of a second death to happen yet in the post-world's screening line.
The decision for immediate strike was almost unanimous, only one vote missing, namely, the only angel's in charge of screening at Paradise's gates, who did not attend the assembly. Sources say the reason for his absecnce is supposedly his being tired of hearing, in all the category's meeting, endless offenses coming from the envious, irascible Lucifer and his followers, repeatedly accusing him as the most privileged God's 'apple polish' within the whole Universe, or even the whole Multiverse.
Even so, he guaranteed to support the movement, since even receiving a maximum of 1 candidate per month, almost always refused, he believes he was not alerted or prepared by God for the pan-pan, the eaten pangolin pandemic.
All workers, without exception, demand a reduction in the eternal workday together with an increase of x% in the value of overtime, with x being the number of victims of Pan-Pan, to be determined day by day, and paid on the same basis.

The note from the 'Union of All Angels and Demons' ends by warning that if the exponential trend is confirmed, and they come to receive the millionth victim before the June solstice, even if all their demands have been accepted and fulfilled, they will abandon their working posts, leaving everything in the hands of God.

               THE END?

This report's author has published 'The Last Owl'Click here for a sample of this philosophical novel about mankind's present crisis.

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