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September 15, 2019

ANTICHRIST a 2009 Lars von Trier movie, seen as a critique to the all too human pretension of rational thought to omnipotence.

According to a first, superficial analysis of 'Antichrist', a Lars von Trier's movie, after the toddler's tragic accident at the opening scenes, only his mother plunges into deep psychological misery, as shown by her psychotic behavior.
As for her husband could it be inferred from his so cold, detached, and rational behavior his is a just a minor suffering for that awful death?
On a more attentive, closer view nothing might be more inappropriately said about Antichrist's plot, since both are parents engulfed by a severe sense of grievous guilt for the boy's death, who fell from a window left open while both were in intense orgasmic climax.
The mother's reaction is an acute, intense psychotic depression, while her husband takes on the role of an over-human rationalizer, to the point of absurdly declaring himself able to conduct his despaired wife's psychotherapy, an obviously impossible task for him.
His omnipotent hyper-rationalization is his own psychosis's way to show up, as far as it means a crazy rupture with any consensual reality. It is his hubris, in the ancient Greek conception.
Would human reason be no more than an illusory shield against madness?
Taking his wife out from a therapy conducted by another professional, despite such so grievous circumstances, he is clearly barricading himself against any possible word or gaze of hers which could attribute him even a tiny spark of a so heavy guilt.
Females own the divine gift of a more intense and deeper than average males’ feeling of emotional interactions.
Perhaps only women may find enough reasons to give a proper value to, and interpret, premonitions and omens, as those which often happened in the 'Forest of Eden' (family`s private country house) before the toddler’s tragic death.
Why a Biblical name here?
Since Adam and Eve people say a man will never able to really understand a woman`s mind. Not surprisingly, from such a lack of tune a terrible belief appeared, according to which females are endowed with demonic powers. The Genesis`s report, for instance, shows how deep such a mismatch between the sexes goes:
Eve was the first to give ears to the serpent's evil tip to disobey God and eat from the forbidden fruit, then inducing, perhaps seducing, Adam to do the same. It was the first sin, whose consequences every reader is aware: the expulsion from Paradise, a punishment extended to all human beings whether alive.
What a mighty symbol is brought in the choice of this name for a mere country house: Eden! But why this?
Von Trier's plot clearly construes an allegory around the endless struggle between males and females, a perpetual war conceived here as inherent to the human condition.
Let's recall Gal Costa sweet voice singing Caetano Veloso verses on a common male-female struggle of love and hate, reason and intuition, lies and truths, seduction and betrayal:

The Gift of Deceiving
"Don't talk about
Every women's malice
Each one is aware of pain and delight
Of being oneself
Don't stare at me as if
The police chase me
You shut up,
But don't shut up
The bad news
You can explain
And able to understand
All right!
You are there, yes you are
You make it! Being enough your wish
Sure, you have it!
You tell the truth
And the truth is your dower of deceiving
How can you want a woman to live without lying?"
On that father's mind, the masculine rational power quickly tries to suppress, maybe annihilate, any sense of guilt, swiftly triggering an aggressive strategy: to become himself the psychotherapist of his wife, as if he could be in possession of a disinterested, neutral perspective upon his situation as that owned perhaps only by priests.
A question appears here: whether possible to repress his own guilty ideas, would that tactics have success in removing too any subtle, unconscious clues from his mind? And the same question may be addressed to her mind, especially on his eventual role on their carelessness.
A first, perhaps obvious answer is "no, by no means!" All details before and after that death will never be forgotten by them both. An impossible task for any therapeutic approach to that couple. Conscious memories will naturally slowly become weaker, but deep inside their unconscious, probably they will never disappear!
Nonetheless, from its pompous throne, crowned by an as abiding as delusional omnipotence feeling, human reason does not recognize the meaning of the word 'impossible'.
Wars have always been there, wherever mankind goes. In fact, violent acts planned and perpetrated by the best rational calculus have always defeated those who were not so capable to cold reason. No historical record can put this into doubt.
As for female power, in spite of the many conquers within each state or society (the biblical Esther, Lysistrata's sex strike, equal voting rights movements in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, today's hard struggle for same opportunities and so on), has no military achievements, by the contrary, a women on the rule mean hopes of pacification in our so troubled planet Earth.
Would a female world power avoid the battle of Armageddon?
"Antichrist" alludes to the rational, aggressive, destructive power with which humans are hitting Nature, and so are putting future life on Earth under increasing threat of annihilation, countless species in extinction danger. Be sure, Homo sapiens is one of them!
Hyper-consumerist hedonism does not want to realize it is triggering the future, but not so distant, death of today's children, simply because of denying them the right to a habitable planet Earth! That is the symbolic meaning of this movie toddler's death.
Will humankind survive its hedonistic, consumerist addiction?
The present insane hedonistic consumerism global society prefers endless narcissistic enjoyments, even if at every passing day these seem emptier ones, rather than preserving the Earth for our children.
The protagonists' sexual intercourse which opens the movie, hot to the point of exciting us, is an allegory of this century's hedonistic irresponsibility, a time in which Hegel's "Owl of Minerva" in overflight watches mankind's irrational killer, why not to say even infanticide power. Whether so, that bird is the last among such Owls.
You, readers are invited to take a look at 'The Last Owl', a novel published by amazon. To read an extract, just click here on this phrase.

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