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November 4, 2022

The Forbidden Fruit and The History of Science

Adam and Eve Myth's interdiction to eat the fruit from the tree of wisdom may be allegorically 
interpreted  as advising mankind on the limits of all possible human knowledge. Let's see what it could tell us if applied to the history of the nowadays almighty empirical sciences.

Aristotle physics, so praised for more than two millennia was set aside by renascence geniuses like Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Newton, and many others, whose discoveries  brought us a very stable model, at least till the end of 19th century.
Well, in the beginnings of the last century, however, Einstein's insights have changed radically that stable depiction of Nature, with his Relativity Theories (special and general). I daresay the largest portion of non-physicist graduated people all over the world is today still unable to grasp his main descriptions of the Universe.
Could we wonder whether Einstein's theory on space-time will never be set aside as his predecessors were? Will it take us more than 2000 years to come up another genius who will make still more complex, deep and encompassing theories about the physical Nature we live in? Will Homo sapiens go extinct before that? Surely these questions have no answer within the limits of now available data.
Except for an inference from History: all scientific theories have been provisional, being like fish nets launched to capture the world. Theoretical improvements may be seen as analogous to reductions in the diameters of such a fishing net holes, an infinite process.
The human quest for knowledge is an infinite one, i.e., it only makes us capable to finding provisional, contingent, circumstantial 'fishnets' to catch tiny portions of the Universe/Multiverse. In a word, as finite beings we are incapable of arriving at absolute truths.
Thus, all theories we can create, given our condition's inherent limitations, is limited, finite, relative, imperfect and no more than instrumental. This means they are no more than tools for us to act upon the world we live in. Human beings as knowing agents are in a sense condemned to eternal frustration, because any unconditional, absolute truth, is quite out of reach to all experience, and can only be thought as a transcendental notion.
In this allegorical interpretation, Adam and Eve's expulsion from Paradise could mean a damnation triggered by our delusion of being able to tame Nature entirely. In other words, a punishment to the human desire of becoming so mighty as God. The serpent seems to be a devil best known as greed.

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