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May 26, 2014


Dear REVISTA CULT Editors,
quite different from yours is my view on this masterpiece movie by Lars von Trier: the father and the mother mortify for the boy's death. Her way of reaction is a psychotic depression, while her husband plunges in a violent psychological streamlining on her sufferings, as a weird weapon that he has usurped from her psychiatrist.
By taking her from her psychiatrist, and assuming for himself the impossible task of being his own wife's psychotherapist amid those grave circumstances, he became able to armor himself against any glance that could throw him a single spark of such a guilt so dark.
Women are powerfull intuitive beings, generally more endowed with intense love for Earth, Life, Nature than men. They have the divine gift of quick empathizing. They may experience quite strange premonitions and omens, a so common there in the ' forest of Eden ', the family's country house. Beware of the biblical name.
Since Adam and Eve, men say that are uncapable to understand women and that these have 'demonic' powers, perhaps  because Eve has been the first to heed
to the snake ..

What a powerful symbol! Von Trier here symbolizes in this plot the perpetual war of the sexes, which he certainly believes to be inherent to the human condition .
"Você diz a verdade, e a verdade é seu dom de iludir", sings Gal Costa within my head.

The male reasoning power, acting upon this father, immediately rejects any sense of guilt, and quickly assembles his aggressive ( and successful ) strategy:  to conduct by himself, as if he were a neutral and disinterested priest, the psychoanalysis of his partner.

By acting this way, any indication that a single spark of responsibility on the boy's tragedy could fit him, would be easily overlooked, perhaps even erased from their unconscious. Impossible? Human reason, certainly because it feels omnipotent, does not acknowledge the deep meaning of the word 'impossible'.

The author of this brief comment has published “The Owl of Minerva”, a post-modern novel at, in Sepetember 2013. It may be accessed by clicking on:

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