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October 27, 2024

Two Coexisting Realities, Just Choose Yours!

Lacoonte and His Sons, Vatican Museum

In the "Invisible Cities", by Italo Calvino, Marco Polo speaks to the Mongol Emperor, Kublai Khan:

"Hell is not something that will come. If there is one, it is already here as this Hell we live in every day, this Hell that we form up just by being together. There are two ways to avoid suffering in it. The first is easy for most people: to accept Hell and become part of it, till a point where it is no more perceived. The second way is risky and requires continuous attention and learning: to try knowing how to recognize who and what, in the midst of this Hell, is not Hell and make them last and give them space."

Translated freely from 'Le Città Invisibili', Einaudi Editore, Torino 1972.
by Marcos Wagner da Cunha, author of the e-books below:

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