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September 8, 2011


Continuing the discussions begun in previous post, 'Metaphysical versus Instrumental Realism, occasioned by the ongoing preparation of the Diagnostic and Statical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-V, by the American Psychiatric Association, which is scheduled for May 2013:
The weak point of all debates concerning the supposed organic or psychological genesis of any mental disorders is the mind-body problem. Another post is dedicated to him. We can not accept the easy solution proposed by those whose answer is plainly: "This pathology is organically determined, since some neuronal pathways were found to have altered neurotransmitters." Such a finding explains nothing about the deepest causation of such a clinical picture, but only describes something associated with it. Let us see why: The all kinds of events matches a MENTAL PARTICULAR neurophysiological events. Thus, all states of the human psyche may one day be described as moments of a hypercomplex neural systems interaction, always in relation with the external environment, society and the world. Whether normal or pathological.
And who should draw the line between normal and pathological? Neuroscientists and psychiatrists? Shall we give them the power to interfere, and mass on the deepest human essence: our instincts, our decision-making power, our values, our freedom at last? Would not any of such "neutral scientists" be capable of  proclaiming at any moment in the near future that "the neurotransmitter X, hitherto unknown, is the cause of all sorts of questions to the powerful, and this habit of calling them corrupt. The people need is more NTX now synthesized by FREEATLAST laboratories Co."?
This was a ridiculous example, but we must not delegate neither the neurosciences nor neuropsychiatry, nor any other type of agents, the power of ruling human life from inside our brains! Rules and standards must be established by ethical consensus between the authorities representative of the knowledge about man: philosophy, anthropology, sociology, psychology, religion, lawyers, etc.. Neuropsychiatrists informed by, and interacting with them.
The boundaries between the normal and the pathological need to be decided and brought by society to psychopathology. Never the other way.

PS: Beware the prospects of the lab Freeatlast ...

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