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July 23, 2024

The Dialectics of Desire

Detail from 'The Land of Cockaigne', 1567, by Pietr Bruegel, the elder, dutch renaisssance artist.

If, in its beginnings, industrial capitalism did try to enhance forms of sexual repression, today it makes the alleged 'general liberation' its most powerful weapon.
Let us try to reflect on this topic from the perspective of Hegel's dialectic: when the master sexually represses his slave, the latter's desire only intensifies, as in a pressure cooker. It grows and changes his entire mind, he doesn't let himself die like that, at all!
May be for weak people, such a pressure may to favor subordination, undermining social awareness, but for stronger ones any interdiction to sexual satisfaction, is only capable to enhance the will to free themselves, to escape, to revolt, to organize together with peers in order to put an end to slavery.
At first the dominant classes tried sexual repression as a tool to masses control, until it became obvious what a bad deal any fight against the explosive force of Eros was.
"The romantic fashion now is the naked date", a verse from a very cheesy song from some ago, I cannot but remember. The fashion now is the "general liberation", meaning let people have sex as much as they want or can, in whatever way desired.
Not forgetting to provide them tons of porn films displaying lots of fucking at any time, for everyone. Who doesn't get aroused by porno screen scenes?
Anyone who doesn't get a boner by seeing people having sex, even if on cell phone screens, is either sick or has already died.
There is no need more to fear unwanted consequences of copulating, since there are many ways to contraception, 'but if you happen to be unlucky, and even forgot to take a 'morning-after' pill, it's enough to remember that in this 'Brave New World' nobody is allowed to condemn your choice to empty the uterus. No politician nor religious fundamentalist will interfere with your free choice.
Such alleged 'liberation' is the trivialization of sex, in other words, the emptying of any greater desire meaning. 'Everyone can have sex the way they want, no frills, whenever they want. Enough! Since genitals are yours alone, do with them whatever you wish!
The easiest way to minimize desire's revolutionary energies is to take away its deeply personal meanings, turning its 'satisfaction' easy and commonplace.
Hence, the trivialization of the masses sexual activity is an extremely efficient way of subjugating the peoples, because a true orgasm's achievement far transcends the mere genital physiological relief.
Previously, strong tensions arising from repressed sexual desires had a potential to fuel clandestine reactions against sociopolitical oppression, which could lead, sooner or later, to rebellions and eventually to the destruction of the dominant power structure.
Nowadays the overwhelming trivialization trend of sexuality, always followed by severely scorning at any alert against the mass media control of mankind private lives, seems everywhere to be part of an orchestration whose aim is to deprive human wishes of any true, deep meaning.
Sexuality belongs to the sacred essence of the being human!
Deprived of any deep personal meaning by sheer trivialization, it becomes only a physiological function as trite as urinating or defecating. Thus, the nihilistic essence of the so-called “sexual total liberation” unmasks itself by turning our most sacred, divine drive into nothingness.

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