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March 15, 2017


Becoming aware of the inevitability of the unknowable led me back to religion.
Many religions said and still says that human knowledge has an insurmountable limit, beyond which we will never go. That is clearly the allegorical contents of the Genesis report on the temptation of Eve by the serpent to eat from the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge. A snake's successful trick which took also Adam to be expelled from Paradise. Implicit on this myth is the idea that true knowledge is achievable only by God. But "true knowledge" has to be understood here in a strongest sense, that is, composed of absolute truths.
Well, no scientist may think that an absolute truth may ever be achieved by any human being. 
This is the philosophical argument that seals all possibility of an eventual exclusion of unknowable domains for science.
Let's now pick some examples from physics:

A) Some unknown scientific answers picked from contemporary science, or directly related to its contents: 
1) how many planets similar to the Earth exist around the Alpha Centauri star?
2) Is it possible to detect quantum behavior in larger than subatomic particles? 
3) Does the human brain have quantum working neuronal circuits behind its functionalities? Perhaps to the point of justifying our belief on human free will?

B) Examples of some unknowable topics, that means, of unanswerable questions:
1) What is it there beyond the cosmic horizon of 46 billion light years around the Big Bang;
2) Is it possible to find infinitely small particles beyond leptons?
3) Do we live in a perfect simulation of reality similar to that displayed in the 'Matrix' movie?

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