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March 18, 2017



Well, this seems a too ambitious quest for physics and also for human knowledge as a whole. To the point that it could seem to be a joke by senior physicists to trick beginners. However, knowing it is no jest (many of the most prominent scientists of our present time support its plausibity) could it ever be discarded simply from a philosophical perspective?
Certainly, if any super-symmetric particle would some day be found at C.E.R.N. (or anywhere), all opposition to such a research project would cease, or at least the arguments against it would have to change radically.
What seems specially nonsensical is the claim that it would "explain everything", based on a faith of many scientists in its supposed mathematical elegance. As for the best of my knowledge faith must be out of scientific postulates, because if it is part of them people should rather call them religious beliefs.
Recently, after wondering for an explanation on the origin of such a pretentious quest, thinking only by myself this hypothesis arrived to my mind:

The mistake of super-symmetry advocates could be rooted in a realist/physicalist approach of the foundations of mathematics.
Taking into consideration a quite different interpretation of mathematics, that of George Knox from Berkeley, my favorite one, geometry would be a property of our neuronal circuits, as all other mathematical concepts, where they emerged in the course of natural selection. The outside world's role would have been only in imposing such a selection, having no direct relation to mathematical truths. 

Another example of this excessive trust on the usefulness of mathematics to empirical data, we may remember that in September 2008, there were many accurate math demonstrations that US and also the global Economy was very well and prosperous...

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