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January 12, 2021

The Shine of Oedipus's Eyes

  A photo by Quinten de Graaf, from
Jocasta did not hang herself. Oedipus did not hollow his own eyes out. They have just pretended to do so, as a tactics to free themselves from the gossip of the Thebans. For some reasons that we will never get to unravel, Sophocles decided to attribute reality to such a dissimulation. On white horses mounted, they abandoned Thebans to their own too human fate, then left in search of anyone who could be actually capable of judging their lives.
"Nobody on Earth except Ulysses' sirens"; unanimous have uttered all oracles.
So, together they dared to challenge Poseidon's fury driven by dozens of oarsmen and taking the reverse path once used by Ulysses in his coming back to Ithaca.
It didn't take much time to find the sirens, then so young and beautiful as ever, since time doesn't dare to exist for these so gorgeous and hot females.
Oedipus and Jocasta landed on a tiny beach amid a huge cliffs. The flames of their so strong, forbidden love were burning their flesh perhaps more than ever. As the sirens' song were heard, both got immediately possessed by their tune.
Suddenly, however, cutting the passion flow uttered the conscientious Oedipus:
"But, Jocasta, we haven't come here in search for a way to exacerbate of our overwhelming love, something absolutely unnecessary for our so hot madness. Instead, we came here for our need of an urgent judgement."
"Whether that is your sincere want, you will have it, Oedipus -- uttered one of the singers.
"As for you, Jocasta, whether it is possible to attain any wish behind your coming here, besides this uneasiness of your son and lover, soon you may have it."
"My wish seems simple whether I take into account what I know about your mighty abilities, demi-goddesses. I want to see again the lost shining of Oedipus's eyes, which I love and miss now so much since he discovered his father's fate so much as his own'', said Jocasta.

"You are right, Jocasta, lover mother, this is within reach of our powers, being enough that just one requisite is fulfilled: Oedipus's eyes ought to know the whole truth. This same truth you have been hiding from his sight for so much a time".

"No, dear sirens, I'm fed up of truths. Indeed, I do not want any of them more. You must keep them only for yourselves: Jocasta, all females, and sirens" -- Sharply interrupted them Oedipus.

"If you do not want any truths whatever they be, Oedipus, just one destiny remains for you both: order your oarsmen to go away from here, forgetting the route to this tiny rocky island where Jocasta and her son ought to be left forever."

So commanded Oedipus to the oarsmen, and soon after, dozens of sirens were singing the same tune once heard by Ulysses. A by Eros inspired melody, evocative of so many lived or even dreamed carnal delights, evocative of so many wild fancies. The most forbidden lovers became quite enraptured by its magic. Under the lascivious look of countless sirens, Oedipus's eyes regained their eternal shine.


This tale belongs in 'The Last Owl', a novel by this blogger available at as e-book.
Clicking here you access a sample available to your device, whatever it is.

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