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May 20, 2015

IS IT A CRIME TO FALL IN LOVE? I guess your answer is "no, by no means!" But do you actually want a true love?

The Paraguay River And The Human Condition

It didn't take much to the day on which finally everybody takes me seriously. They know that I am the female caiman that, to protect her brood became a woman, driving a hunter to a sudden passion. They are also aware of what happened to Rosa and the group of lads. Those seven men have been just the first ones.
I began to sell my desire and my body to those men who were disturbing me so much. In so doing I had a way to give money to the poor people who were at my service in the little hotel. Thus, I went on turning men into caimans at high prices. Every one of them knew what would be their fate, but their lust by me was then stronger than any resistance to abandon the human condition.
I stayed in a bedroom on the ground floor. A profound ditch was dug, whose depths were entirely invisible, aimed to let them go directly into the Paraguay River. Plenty of men I kept receiving! The shapes of their bodies were the most diverse, as well as their ages, skin colors, races. I always wanted them with a same intense lust: a same ardor for human males since the killer hunter, thereafter Rosa, and those six bud men.
Sometimes they came in groups, searching for orgies. On such occasions, I charged a much higher fee from each one, alleging special services. On one night I was visited by eleven men recently arrived from Buenos Aires. They surrounded me, putting me into the center of a circle shaped by their bodies. They forced me to leap from one to the other, just before orgasm that they tried hard to restrain far beyond the supportable limit. They ran away hurried through the ditch that sends up the strong smell of our river.  
The first woman that I received had male posture and artificially rude grimaces, wearing a jacket imitative of a man's coat. In spite of these misleading stereotypes, she reveals herself a tender and sweet lover. She didn't become a caiman but after our love making remained a woman. At that point came to my mind a strange fear of having lost my magic and its exclusive powers. Perhaps I was becoming then a plain woman like every other.
I was quite wrong in my worries! She stood up from my bed as soft and gentle as she didn't seem to be. The morning after she was living in the bedroom beside my own, also attracting countless lovers. She, too, was making caimans of them.
We were from then on identical.
Every woman who came thereafter in search of our love started immediately to live in our manner, exactly as that first one. Soon we were proliferating. A large throng of males from all over the world was visiting us every month. Soon the Pantanal would have as many caimans as it had before white people arrived.
The city was then quickly undergoing serious but unavoidable changes. Some people feared turmoil. At that time I was visited by a strange man, wearing a long gown. His eyes resembled those of an ill squirrel. He told me, in a voice similar to a frog's croak, he was there with me in the name of morals, in the name of God. He said, too, that I was possessed by the Devil or was myself such an entity. After taking off his black clothes, as well as those necklaces and their queer wooden ornaments, he threw himself upon my bed. When later he was trying to swim along the river, he was a pale and puny caiman, whose gender was indiscernible, most probably neither one. I thought, then, it would be easy for him to survive even if some day the hunters were to come here by the hundreds of thousands. It would be enough to play dead and rotten, a very easy task for such squalid body.
Some weeks thereafter came, with analogous purposes, an armed man, wearing green clothes. Soon after came an eloquent orator, also displaying a dissuasive intention. The military man, who spoke only three rude words, before seeing me without clothes, became a caiman of thick scalp but not clever enough besides too angry, so as to be capable of jumping many yards in vain, trying to "take revenge" on a single housefly that had disturbed him. As for the politician, who spoke hundreds of words that didn't have any actual meaning, he turned into a fearful reptile, one of those that never close their mouth because of imagining that, by their doing so,  their enemies will be frightened.
It seemed, therefore, that my fate was to keep on living there without any surprises. I’d live in Corumbá among several other demigoddesses, forever turning men into caimans.
Even at our hotel, only a few people were still able to distinguish between us, to say which of us ---so many we were---had been the famous woman of Corumbá, the first one. As time passed we were becoming more similar to each other. That didn't bother me at all. I don't crave fame or glory. I just madly crave ardent human males and hot females. Humans, of course, even if for the last moments in such condition
It happened, however, that at a springtime sunrise, I got news about a recently arrived man from São Paulo, who was in search for me. He wouldn't pay anything for another woman, because his interest was exclusively on me.
"I want the Woman of Corumbá", the first one, who emerged at the middle of the Pantanal and was described by Francisco Rosa's article on a Rio newspaper"
When I heard that the new guest had mentioned Rosa, I quickly went to meet him. For some reason, he suggested we could meet at the hotel's kitchen, since he wished, before going to bed, to talk innocently with me. I promptly accepted such a sweet and gentle invitation of his.

"The truth, wonderful and bewitching demigoddess, is that I’m unable to love anyone before a long, long talk, face-to-face, telling stories and dreams to one another. I'm unable to give myself as a little boy without knowing something about your nightmares, about your fancies. Those same fancies of the little girl that remains deep within your heart... I am unable to be entirely yours before you tell me what you think about Parents and Children, about Names, about Wisdom, Time, Infinity, Beauty, Eternity, God".
After such a so loving encounter, I have left my bedroom and its ditch. We are now inside an apartment in São Paulo's downtown, side by side, on the same bed. He is trying to get to sleep, without any success yet. When we were coming here he whispered to me that his sleeplessness began many years ago. He then decided to start looking for me within his own stories, in order to perhaps being able to sleep. He would not mind if, for such a goal, he had to turn into a reptile. But for the first time my mighty magic orgasm failed completely.
I'm sleepy. Surely I'll get to sleep before him. He told me just now that this night he has a new trick game, which will certainly be effective to making him sleep. He didn't tell me what kind of a game it is, but his body is stirring a lot on the bed, resembling that of someone who is staging a play with closed eyes.
Tomorrow we'll talk about that. I guess.
I love him more than any other male who ever crossed my path. Be it human or not.

This tale is a part of  "The Owl of Minerva" available on ,,, and all other amazon sites globally.

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