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April 28, 2015

TIME IS MONEY (The hands of a clock and our politicians)

Better late than never!
Meglio arrivare tardi che mai!
Last but not least,
I have been able to understand the profusion of geometric terms in politics: this side, that side, RIGHT and LEFT!
The political career of folks who patriotically dedicate their lives to such noblest altruistic interests can and should be seen, imagined and conceived as it were the display of a classic display clock which at the beginning of their lives brand MIDNIGHT (both tight together on number 12).
Afterwards those "clock's hands" employ rhetoric abilities, heavy indoctrination and even brainwashing, always to the firm intention of gathering support of those who will choose the nation's rulers.
Both these "pointers" get soon the quick certainty that they'll be very well successful through such interaction with voters, in a system to which was historically given the name of democracy. The latter word has a very well known etymological root, as it is said by its heralds, and never should be so wrongly understood, whatever the circumstances as the government (= cracy) of ANY DEMON, THE DEVIL! By no means! Its is a quite opposite etymological origin, i.e. it is derived from an ancient Greek way of ruling.
As a matter of fact time keeps passing, and, if young politicians LEFTists and RIGHTists had given us the impression that they were heading to points located in opposite directions, impression due to the circular path of the clock, when each of them reaches go through the angular distance of 90, both pointers are seen driving up towards the number 6 in the diametrically opposite point to 12 (where it was given the start).
Whatever the small picture, the demo-cratic game continues until both pointers meet again, now on the already mentioned number: 6. Remember that time and space flow evenly for both groups here symbolized by the clock pointers.
Every voter feel dazzled when during such low meeting, so celebrated by many speeches, at which the two initially so opposite directions reveal to have the same aims. Nation's People can finally see what do have all these demo-cratic experts in common:
the 'LEFTist so as the 'RIGHTist politicians have become equally filthy rich citizens!

Only very foolish people may ask themselves "How did they grow such gigantic FORTUNES?"

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