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January 9, 2022

Communism or Scam: The Truth behind the Ideological Reasons of All Bolshevik Parties

Originally published in july 2014.

The 1789 French Revolution triggered a dirty and massive genocide until the seizing of power by Napoleon Bonaparte by army force and his own proclamation as Emperor. An end was put then to the stupid and useless civil war, and soon began the dissemination of the new anti-nobility and anti-feudal values through French raids accross Europe. These ideals were soon recognized as best representing the interests of the "bourgeoisie" (with quotes for not to being misread as another empty cliché as those used and exhaustively repeated by politicians in the twentieth century).
But pay attention, please! Not only the nobility lost its gigantic, absurd and oppressive political and economic power, since there was always, behind all monarchical aristocracy, a large entourage of sycophants, parasites and profiteers of the benefits offered by the mere proximity to the bien-né, i.e. to the ones whose "blue blood" came really by birth. Very many suckers of public money were expelled out of power's surroundings by the new order, and even if many of them have escaped the guillotine, be it because they were not seen as so powerful as those they fawned, be it because they hid themselves as mice, as usual for them.
What was done thereafter of these once so highly priviledged parasites?
What political force could channel, vent and boost that huge resentment emerged against the order imposed by force by Bonaparte?
In many wars of the nineteenth century such kind of interests were at play, but here we analyze their most successful, not so ephemerous achievement. 

To Karl Marx, capitalism "bore the seeds of its own destruction" (as, for him, every historical stage), and he predicted that an advanced capitalist society would come a day to a such exacerbation of internal contradictions to a point that would bring necessarily the liberation of the working classes, thus putting an end to the bourgeois world.
As is well known, this prophecy never took place anywhere on this planet.
The "Russian Revolution" of 1917 brought to power the Bolsheviks who self-proclaimed as "Marxists". They exterminated the Russian nobility, killing even many children, and alleging to do so on behalf of the "working class, the ultimate carrier of a more equal and fair form of social and economic organization." Words scritti by Marx, many decades before.
However, not even there was a Russian working class in 1917. That huge country was almost only an extensive agricultural, feudal nation. 
What kind of class interests were actually behind the Russian uprising in october 1917?
There seemed to be no bourgeois aims, since soon they declared themselves enemies of the whole international bourgeoisie. They used slogans taken from the Marxist European parties of that time, and even appropriated the term "communism".
Among the new  dominant classes in Moskow there were neither true representatives of the peasantry.
Thereafter, along at least 8 decades, they have imposed to large parts of Europe and Asia a bloody policial totalitarianism, and firmly anchored their "comrades" close to the centers of national power.
Thus, increasing numbers of parasites, sycophants, vampires kept on sucking the working masses (excluded as always from any access to upper echelons of the party)  on behalf of the "communism".
Since taking power in October 1917, their hatred of the international bourgeoisie was openly proclaimed.
It is not difficult to see that behind the Bolshevik huge scam, nothing was true except a desperate blow in anticipation, a preventive strike against an inevitable annihilation by a strongest enemy. A preventive "revenge" carried out by the sycophantic parasites of the nobility entourage, by those that never had been truly aristocrats, but felt clearly a need to destroy the International Bourgeoisie, the carrier of a deep approaching revolution that had swept people like them throughout the rest of Europe.

If you reader, still doubt the leitmotif of this interpretation, stop a moment to think and compare the living patterns of "communist" parties and their bureaucratic agents when in power, beginning in 1917 till the now remaining ones, with those of the French nobility and its entourage of sycophants before 1789. Highest living standards, chronic inefficiency and the unending wordy ideologic allegations to explain that. Does it matter whether these come from religious or "materialistic" doctrination?
In order to justify its leaders allegations that they were following the great Karl Marx's ideals, the "Bolshevik Revolution" lied, debased and destroyed the hopes of the 'Proletarier aller Länder'. ('the proletarians of all over the world', as the famous phrase).

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